National Egg Day!

   Hi, everyone, and welcome back to my blog! This picture may look familiar to you because it was the main pic for the scrambled eggs in a mug post, which you can find here!  I'm posting this because June 3 is National Egg Day!  You may be thinking "MaryLorraine, you need a new calendar." Thank you for the concern, but I do know it's still May. 

   There is sooooo much you can do with eggs, and one of the best canvases for culinary creativity is the omelette. Omelettes are one of my favorite ways to cook eggs, and you can put literally almost any food in it! What does this have to do with National Egg Day?  Well, I will be making five different omelettes and I want you to choose which one is the best! All next week I will post a post for each omelette on my blog and on Google+ (which you can follow me on the front page by the archive) and you can like or comment on the omelette you like the most! The winning omelette will be announced on National Egg Day!  Below you will see the recipe for a plain omelette which you will find a link to on each omelette post!


  • 2 Large Eggs
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • About 2 Tablespoons of Water


  1.  Heat pan until you can feel the heat from about six inches from the pan with your hand. Spray the whole pan with cooking oil. 
  2.  Crack two eggs in a cup with water, pepper, and salt. Whisk or mix with a fork until the eggs are combined.
  3. Add egg mixture to the pan.  Let eggs sit and cook until the top is a little jiggly.
  4. Add toppings to the top of the eggs. Put additional water in the pan and add lid. Let steam until the egg is cooked or until cheese is fully melted (if you choose to add it).
  5. Fold over in the pan and plate!

     I'll start posting the omelette recipes for you to vote on May 28!  If you have a favorite egg dish, please post it in the comment section below!



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