5 Tips To Great Sushi!

Spicy Tuna RollπŸ£πŸ˜‹

  Hi, everyone! Welcome back to my blog! I really love sushi, it's in my top ten favorite foods. I got it every time I saw it, but I had never tried to make it at home, because I thought it would be super hard. Christmas came around and I got a sushi making set and I was like πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†! I made it for the first time on New Year's Eve and it was way easier than I thought! Here are some good tips on how to enjoy and make sushi, plus a fun recipe to try at the end.

  Number One: Follow the Recipe!

   Following the recipe, especially for the rice, is a very important part of making delicious and easily edible sushi. Not cooking the rice correctly will make it too soft or too hard, not putting enough vinegar mixture will make it not sticky enough. In my opinion, it's just as important to follow a sushi rice recipe as it is to follow a baking recipe.

  Number Two: Eat it Correctly!

   Eating sushi the right way is almost as important as making it correctly. After doing some research, I found out that a good place for sushi etiquette was here. I like looking into to this so if I go to a nice sushi place, I don't make a fool out of myself πŸ˜±πŸ˜ƒ. Here's one quick tip though, eat it all in one bite, no matter how big it is! I've noticed that it falls apart if you take two bites and you don't get the full flavor😱.

Number Three: Water and Plastic Wrap

   This maybe an odd combination, but sushi rice is super sticky, so water and plastic wrap are super important. To avoid having rice caked on your fingers, have a bowl of water at hand. Plus, when you're cutting your sushi, put water on your knife after every slice. Unfortunately, you can't put water on your makisu (bamboo mat), but plastic wrap helps the rice not stick to it when making inside out rolls.

Number Four: Don't judge a Sushi By It's Nori(seaweed)!

  This tip is very important, especially during the making of your first rolls! Sushi doesn't have to look pretty to be pretty delicious. Here are a couple pictures of my first tries:

California Rolls from New Year's Eve!

Philly Rolls from Super Bowl!
Spicy Tuna Rolls from Earlier Today!

     Tip in a tip; for your first rolls or if your rice isn't as sticky, put your nori or soy paper on the outside to keep the rice and ingredients inside.

Number 5: Have fun!

  I know that sounds super cheesy, but it's true! Cooking any thing should be an enjoyable experience, whether it's sushi or cookies or red bean cheesecake dumplings (look for that recipe in on my blog in the next couple weeks), that way cooking will be a treat and not a chore.

  At the beginning I promised you a recipe so here it is.


  • Sushi rice (here's the recipe)
  • 1 pack of Spicy Canned or Packaged tuna
  • 1/2 an Avocado
  • 1/3 of a Cucumber
  • 3 sheets of Nori


  1. Place nori sheet on makisu.

      2. Place rice on nori.

     3.Place other ingredients on rice.

    4.Roll sushi. Place in fridge for 10-20 minutes.

   5. Slice and enjoy!

   I hope you enjoyed this sushified post! If you have a sushi recipe you loved, or tried this one, please comment in the comments section below! πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜


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